Dengar Apa Pelanggan Kami Katakan

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2 years ago

(Translated by Google) Good service, the car feels like new. Before starting, ask the customer on to x on... communication is effective .. thank god I also found a reliable workshop πŸ₯‡πŸ₯‡πŸ₯‡

Servis bagus, rasa kereta macam baru. Sebelum mula, tanya customer on ke x on… komunikasi berkesan .. alhamdulillah jumpa juga bengkel yg boleh dipercayai πŸ₯‡πŸ₯‡πŸ₯‡

Dahlia Binti Mohd Daud

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2 years ago

(Translated by Google) The best service.. very2 recommended

Servis terbaik.. very2 recommended

Dot 821

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2 years ago

Nice service and.. trusted.. will repeat again later...

ahmad shafuazli othman

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2 years ago

Nurul Nazira

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2 years ago

(Translated by Google) Customer friendly, best service..

Mesra pelanggan, perkhidmatan yg terbaik..

Idris Arif

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2 years ago

Good service,i've been servicing with them since their first workshop..recommended

colorful rainbow

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2 years ago

(Translated by Google) Friendly service, fast.
Good luck

Layanan mesra, cepat.
Selamat majunjaya

AL Faateh Guys!

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2 years ago

(Translated by Google) Feedback from YWS is fast and via WA. For item replacement, they will contact the customer first for approval.

Feedback dari YWS cepat dan melalui WA. Utk penggantian barang, mereka akan contact customer dahulu utk persetujuan.

azuan aris El

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2 years ago

Very helpful staff

alya sabrina

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2 years ago

(Translated by Google) Alhamdulillah, I have already tried my own experience to repair my car at YWS for the first time, the service is very good and I am satisfied with the services provided....

Alhamdulillah saya telah pun mencuba sendiri pengalaman untuk membaiki kereta saya di yws pertama kali,sangat-sangat baik layanan dan puas hati dgn services yg disediakan....

Eidayu Maskan

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2 years ago

Freaking expensive. Rm35 for an oil change labour only. Last time it was rm20. RIP OFF. The highest other shop charge is only Rm25.


Nor Harrin (Kitty)